Who am I?
I’m glad you asked random stalker honoured guest!
I am Matthew Tyler, a fact that should be rather obvious by now, since the name is plastered all over this page. I was born in Whangarei, New Zealand in 1981, the birthplace of such notable luminaries as… ummm… Winston Peters. Since successfully escaping that city at an early age I have only returned twice, and then only briefly.
I have lived my entire life (apart from the initial aforementioned lapse, which I assure you was totally outside my control) in the wonderful city of Auckland. Home to the country’s worst traffic, most expensive housing market and regrettably, Wayne Brown. I reside in the concrete jungle of Auckland Central, in a salubrious block noted for its multiple dens of sin, including a Denny’s.
During my working hours I crunch numbers, predict the future, and play around in Excel. During my free time I consume visual media, listen to audiobooks, enjoy thunderstorms, and dabble in digital art.
The purpose of this website is to simply exist. From time to time I may include facets of my life that I feel like sharing.